Sunday, March 22, 2009


Giving my Filet-O-Fish meal to some random and raggard old man felt really satisfying with a tinge of confidence at the sides. Confident that i can make a change, no matter how small or insignificant it might be. Walking home after purchasing my meal, i happened to chance upon an old man sitting a stone's throw from my house. I noticed immediately that he was eyeing my food, and pretty intensely too. I stopped and looked directly at him, and he became wary, afraid i was gonna' hurt him. I walked over and inquired in chinese if he wanted some McDonalds and he nodded furiously. Leaving him to his new meal and many thanks, i decided i would go home and prepare myself some instant noodles. $6.45 is nothing compared to helping someone who's unfortunate that the bad karma of this world doesn't leave him.

Right after work, i headed to the Starbucks outlet directly opposite of Chijmes. I've been frequenting there after every event. So much so that the girl there recognizes me and starts making my drink, Mocha Frapp, as soon as she sees me. Truth be told, she's the reason why i go to buy a drink there. Girls don't have to be extremely beautiful, they don't even have to be pretty. But some have that charm that attracts, the simple alluring scent of serenity. I'm pretty sure she's in the same situation that i am, waiting for Poly to start while working to earn some extra pocket money. Even the other malay guy at that outlet knows what i buy everytime i'm there. The world is so vast, yet 3 minutes spent in the presence of another and you're etched into the memory of another being.

Someone like you, but with a lil' more attitude.

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