Friday, April 24, 2009


Ideation class on character design were so boring, my classmate sitting behind me had to call my handphone just to wake me up. And when i turned around to look at her, she had that why-the-hell-are-you-sleeping look on her face. C'mon, Alphy isn't exactly gonna' rip my hair off for sleeping during his class. Aren't we allowed to like ignore our lecturers and just sleep in class when we're poly students? Good thing is i don't have school for the next three days including Monday, i didn't have class today either. But by the time i hand in my character, it has to be fully fledged along with my journal on how it came to be. 

Don't we all love lifts, it saves to much time and energy compared to taking the stairs. I think i'm gonna' put on alot of weight in TP. Actually, it's just 1 flight of stairs to reach class since Design Entrance is technically on the 2nd level and canteen is like all the way doooown there. Donuts are nice, ribena is nice! Yet to eat in school because during breaks, the canteen area is literally flooded with students from every school. Too bad ah, design got the best tehpeng ah, chicken cutlet, design got the best tehpeng ah, nasi padang. Digressing away from the tehpeng cheer, i shall go take shower now. It's so humid that it's my third time today. 

I don't know why i'm even posting here when i've made up my mind to make the transition to Livejournal. Find my new link if you can, it's really.. gross(claims Zengting).

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