Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Ah, so boring so boring. Poly life is nothing like secondary school life, maybe because it's only the beginning of the year. But it's like, i see new faces everywhere i go and yet again, i see so many familiar ones too. No repetitions like when i wore uniform to school, walked through the gate before 7.15am and sang the stupid national anthem, which by the way is utter nonsense. Even the American pledge is so much more interesting, goes something like "i pledge allegiance to the united states of america, and to the public for which is stands" so on and so forth. I learn new things everyday in TP, like for example today i learnt where classroom 03-10/D is located, hidden in a secret chamber behind an almost invisible door only visible by Design students in possession of an ancient matric card gifted to them during DOC, heh. 

So, i shaved my hair yesterday and my Mum went "Who are you ah, why have you taken over my son? I liked him better when he had long hair and obeyed me". I still have long hair kay Ma, just that it's only in the center of my head and waxed towards the direction of Heaven(which by the way doesn't exist). Can hear Joyna scolding me already, "He's real okay, you just don't know..". 

I'm only updating because Zengting inquired today whether i updated on blogger or on Livejournal. The answer would be pretty obvious, i think.. Nah Zengting, you get to read something now kay? Aye Jingyuan can you ask your friend to speed up with his shower, i've finished writing this and he still isn't done yet? DotA waits for no one. 

Alright done,
Why so serious?

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