Saturday, April 18, 2009

Camp X!

Time to break the long line of one-word-title posts, for Design i will.

There is no school in Singapore like Temasek Polytechnic, let alone Design School. Which school makes you hang a key around the neck of a ghost in a pitch black toilet with ghouls banging on the locked cubicle doors? Which school was in the Top Three spots of all but one of the Dragonboat races despite being the second smallest in TP? Which school designed the most magnificent and awe-inspiring flags in TP that were waved proudly in the faces of all the other schools? 

Which school won the "Best Spirited" trophy?

Like many other events, i cannot possibly even begin to put down in words how great it felt to be part of Design School. I'm pretty sure only Designers from TP would understand what this post is really all about? Right after the Water Parade in Design School, my friend said to me that everything was madness. I asked him a solitary question, which other school in the world does this? He was speechless, a dog-ear grin spread high and wide across his wet face because he knew the answer. No other school does this, and many Designers would back my claim. This is a post to all Designers from TP, Camp X! Designers, on strike?


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