Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Everyday i spend with you is the best day of my life.

Another quiz, from Joyna(hottie)'s blog!

Layer 1 : On the outside.
1. Name : Christian.
2. Birth Date : 25th July.
3. Current Status : I don't get the question.
4. Eye Color : Dark brown, almost black.
5. Hair Color(s) : Off black(that's what my Mum says).
6. Right or Lefty : Lefty!

Layer 2 : On the Inside.
1. My heritage : My Mum's S'porean, My Dad's Korean.
2. Fears : Have no fear, Christian is here!
3. My weaknesses : I tend to be too merciful, always giving in to people.
4. My perfect pizza : Hawaiian, definitely!

Layer 3 : Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow.
1. My thoughts first waking up : Bloody hell, why couldn't the dream continue until the part where i kiss her?
2. My bedtime : Nowadays it's always around 1-2am.
3. My most missed memory : I can't really remember what happened during my secondary 3 life, but those are the most missed. 3/4 - 2006!

Layer 4 : My Pick.
1. Pepsi or Coke : Coke!
2. McDonald's or Burger King : Burger King.
3. Single or Group Dates : Single, definitely!
4. Adidas or Nike : Vapouuuuur!(Nike).
5. Tea or Nestea : Teh Peng!
6. Chocolate or Vanilla : Chocolate, but only if it's ice cream.
7. Cappuccino or Coffee : Cappuccino!

Layer 5 : Do you..
1. Smoke : Nope, *cough cough*.
2. Curse : I swear to god i don't fucking curse.
3. Take a shower : Okay, stupid question. Who came up with this quiz?
4. Have a crush : Yup!
5. Think you've been in love : Who cares when it's already over right?
6. Go to school : Not right now, sob sob. *waves to PRCS in the distance*.
7. Want to get married : Hell yea!
8. Believe in yourself : That depends on the situation.
9. Think you're a health freak : I brush my teeth once a week..

Layer 6 : In the past.
1. Drank alcohol : Yes, on those special occasions only.
2. Gone to the mall : Who writes these questions, stupid person.
3. Been on stage : Most recently, during my O's paper. Guess i was talking too much.
4. Eaten Sushi : Yes ma'am/sir.
5. Dyed your hair : Never, doubt i ever will.

Layer 7 : Have you ever..
1. Stripped : Wouldn't mind actually, but for a fee!
2. Changed who you were to fit in : I like myself the way i am, no changes.

Layer 8 : Age you're hoping..
1. To be married : 21, muahaha!
2. Get a job : Godspeed!

Layer 9 : In a girl.
1. Best eye color : It's not the color that matters, it's the emotions.
2. Best hair color : It's not the color that matters, it's how it smells.
3. Short hair or Long hair : It's not the length that matters, just how it looks when a gust of wind blows by(but i love long hair).

Layer 10 : What were you doing.
1. A minute ago : Hanging up some laundry.
2. Hour ago : Calling someone a noob while playing Dota.
3. Hours ago : Dota(it's an obsession).
4. 1 month ago : My math paper i think, can't rmb!
5. Years ago : Who gives a shit.

Layer 11 : Finish the sentence.
1. I love : Cameron Diaz.
2. I feel : like hugging her forever.
3. I hate : Posers.
4. I hide : her in my closet when my parents are home.
5. I miss : not having things and people that i've let go around me.
6. I need : Your love. A suitable job. A Macbook.

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