Saturday, May 2, 2009


Dinner with my closest friends on Thursday was something i'll remember for a very long time to come. What better way to spend quality time than over a plate of food, animatedly conversing away. I'm pretty sure the people sitting at tables around us were busy looking over their shoulders with disapproving looks on their faces. If the food was good, the company was unbelievable. From poking fun at Weimin's distinct lack of common sense to laughing at me when i slipped while walking on the pavement, we had an absolute blast. 

I pray we will be together forever, and i mean every word i say. I need friends like them at my wedding, after seeing so many best friends of more than 10 years attending each others weddings. All my confidants, people with which i tell my story and my secrets(very little though, heh). 

Here's to best friends, brothers and sisters!
(wanted to yaaaaaaaam seng, but nvm..)

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