Thursday, February 19, 2009


From underneath the trees that tower like monuments of the gods, you reminisce about your glorious past and memories flood your mind like a downpour during the monsoon. Lady breeze gently caresses your cheeks, cupping them in a frigid embrace with her hands of wind. You snuggle deeper into your coat of fur, trying in vain to keep yourself warm in the gelid weather.

You miss his perky demeanor.

Disappearing into the horizon, the tangerine sun sets the entire skyline aglow. Infuriated hues of red-yellow intermingle with the cerulean sky, producing streaks of wavelike formations that constantly abbreviate. Amidst the whispering of the forest, rhythmic waves crashing onto the beach can be heard.. only slightly. You haul yourself up, swiping away the decomposing leaves that cohere your faded jeans.

You recall his gallant endeavors at courting you.

Making your way down to the shoreline, you spy the last of the migratory birds soaring above you, cuddling the heavens. Though autumn, wildlife still flourish all around you. Between the scabrous rock formations, you catch a fleeting glance of a gold-tinged viper. Even the crustaceans are chipper. Leaving footprints of sand, you tread the shore like a beachcomber at work. The air is bitter and pierces your nostrils. Tucking in the rebellious strands of hair behind your ear, your eyes start to tear.

You remember the time you first laid eyes on him.

To you, the person who refuses to be called "anonymous" or "passerby". (i assumed you're a lady and you like Red)

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