Monday, February 9, 2009


Sweating profusely under the sweltering heat, amongst the hustle and bustle of city on-goings, i ask myself if my day could be any worse.

Back at the restaurant, i nonchalantly sip at my cup of Pepsi, trying desperately to come up with the name of the song that's playing on the speakers. Failing in my attempt at a recall, i give up and let out a sigh. I leave my cup of Pepsi half empty and walk off in search of something to do to occupy my time. Refill someone's dwindling refreshment or take an order?

People walk past me as if i have a piece of paper stapled to my forehead saying "Don't fuggin' acknowledge the fact that i'm actually here". Obviously they don't care, they've got their own problems, a cheating spouse or maybe trying to reach Maxwell Market before majority of the lunch crowd do. Why should they bother about a spectacled kid giving out flyers that advertise a Steakhouse with particularly tasty Lamb Loin?

They simply amble off without so much as a wave of a hand or a "No Thanks". Every now and again, a neatly dress and extremely sophisticated looking passerby would come along. In the distance they see me looking at them and they decide to act like i'm Kevin Bacon from Hollowman and they avoid me either by walking behind me or moving away from my outstretched hand. Then there's the "Omg, is that Brad Pitt sitting at the kopitiam" act, which involves me sticking out my hand and the person just staring out into the distance as if i was one of the millions of trees in Singapore which no one pays attention to. More often than not, people do acknowledge me and i sincerely thank those that did, especially the ones that decided to ease my burden and take a flyer or two from me, some even thanking me in the process when it should have been the reverse.

Then again there are some with absolutely no manners whatsoever. Instead of even trying to avoid me, they act like they're occupied when they near me. Some pretend to look for something non-existent in their purses, others start scatching at they're faces so their unable to take the flyers. Thing that pisses me off the most is that right after they've walked away, they stop what they were doing a few seconds ago and continue on like as if they've found their EZ-Link card when in fact they've got nothing.

I wanna' hit these frekkin' morons so badly, i have to handcuff both my hands to a pole and throw away the keys just to stop myself.

Life is tough enough. Without you, it's unbearable.

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